TAMPA – D. J. LeMahieu has come to New York and become a matinee idol. All the little kids love him because he plays with that little boy enthusiasm. As a matter of fact, when you see him walking towards you, he looks like he is a little boy until he is standing next to you. Then your standing next to a 6 foot 3 man.
D. J. has captured the hearts of kids adults and his own teammates alike. Gary Sanchez says that D. J. may be the most unselfish player on the team because he is so giving of himself. Another player who is no longer here said the D. J. plays the game like baseball is really supposed to be played.
I must also add that people sometimes forget that this fellow is a former National League batting champion. D.J., however, doesn’t care about that. His main concern is to win as a Yankee. He says that putting on a Yankee uniform is like living a dream and he wants to enjoy this fantasy as long as he can. He also loves the fact that a lot of love come from so many Bronx kids and he wants to return the mutual admiration by visiting some of these kids at their schools during the upcoming season.
As many of my regular readers know, this has always been the Yankees way and to have D. J. want to be a mentor to some of these kids has to make you feel good.
D. J. said that his personal message to kids out there is to reach hi and don’t be afraid to go for your dream.