Negron: Danny Aiello, He Always Did The “Right Thing”

Danny Aiello, he always did the right thing.

He was my true pal. He was a person that I could count on. When I needed him to talk to kids, he was always there.

When I did my animated film, “Henry & Me,” Danny played the doctor. When my play, “Batboy,” opened, Danny was front row center. Danny was Hollywood royalty, but he never forgot where he came from. He made me feel proud that I was born in the Bronx.

Just this week, talks were in the works about Danny doing another film. He was a very young 86 years old, and I will miss him forever. Like Mr. Steinbrenner, like Billy Martin, like Mr. Sinatra, Danny made you feel as special as he was.

Danny was a big time Yankee fan. He attended many games during the course of a season and let me add that he was very proud of his nephew, Michael Kay, the great Yankee announcer. He was a baseball fan to the core. When he wasn’t working, he was always watching Micheal Kay on the “Yes Network” or listening on the radio.

To me, great entertainers like Danny are supposed to live forever. I’m sorry that I didn’t get to say goodbye, so I will here.

Danny Aiello, thanks for doing the right thing.

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