New York Soccer Business Keeps Growing; Now On The Digital Side

It has been a busy few weeks for New York based Super Soccer Stars, a business which, if you have young kids playing soccer in the area, you may know pretty well. Headed by veteran sports marketer Adam Geisler, Super Soccer Stars is the largest youth sports program in the New York area, and keeps expanding in new ways to engage with a wide audience who love “The Beautiful Game” and want to get kids up and off the couch.

First they announced an interesting partnership with Pennsylvania’s Oxford Valley Mall to literally take over vacant space and build out a soccer specific activity center, something which many industry experts say is really needed to get people back into vacant brick and mortar facilities, and if successful, could be coming to a vacant Sears near you soon. Then they announced another Philly initiative, becoming the youth partner for Under 10 year olds in the Lehigh Valley, their first Major League Soccer partnership (with many others in discussion, are you watching Red Bulls, NYCFC and even Cosmos?).

Then came their biggest announcement, with a New York-based youth app platform called Famer, which will literally take Super Soccer Stars best in class coaches and deliver them to the device of choice for your kids, be they on Long Island or the Upper West Side. It’s not unlike the idea of what Peloton has done you’re the home gym business, only it gets your kids active and engaged while they plug in, something video games is certainly not doing. The videos are custom designed and targeted to the level and skill set of the child, so it’s not one size fits all, and there will be room for interactivity and feedback after the initial platform launches in a few weeks, just in time for those thousands of kids to be back and thinking soccer after Labor Day.

“This will be the first of many digital offerings in our pipeline to drive home our vision of empowering youth through sport, something which is missing in the coaching pipeline today. We need to connect with our young people on any device and at any time possible, and by partnering with Famer, we will provide a mobile curriculum which supplements our classes to further engage our young Soccer Stars and their parents through our digital content. ” Geisler, CEO, Super Soccer Stars said in a release. ”Famer’s digital platform will become a core part of the Super Soccer Stars training curriculum going forward to enable our young athletes to tap into their full potential on and off the field.

Will this lead to maybe some day having a hologram of Cristiano Renaldo coming in to inspire Mary or Johnny on their living room? Maybe. But for now it’s another disruptive and innovative way for a New York company to keep their kids, and their parents, involved, informed and active when we are time crunched.

Certainly seems like a way to marry the tech and sports active worlds that businesses, and teams are trying to do more and more. Great next gen solution to a complex problem.

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