What was thought to be a slow winter, started gaining some steam right before Spring Training started, when the Mets signed third baseman Todd Frazier to a two-year contract. With a slow winter, the former Yankee fell into the Mets hands. They were looking for a more full-time replacement for David Wright. Frazier with his 27 home runs and 76 RBI with the White Sox and Yankees last season, brings a big bat to the middle of the lineup and a credible glove at third base.
NY Sports Day caught up with the newest Met as he gave his thoughts on signing in Queens.
NYSD: What’s the difference between New York in Queens and New York in the Bronx?
Todd Frazier: Oh boy! Right now, I can’t really pinpoint it. The fans are just as fiery. They are hungry for wins and hungry for a title. It’s just a little bit more. It’s the National League and I know that’s a big difference. It’s a revived city in Queens and we’ve seen it the other day (season opener). What we did the other day, scoring runs, hopefully just keep it coming. We love the energy and we are focused. Focused to win a National League title for the fans in Queens.
NYSD: Was getting back to the National League a factor in signing with the Mets?
TF: Not necessarily. There were a bunch of factors. Close to home was one. National League and American League didn’t really matter to me. It was a matter of getting some offers and they were few and far between. You have expectations and if they are not met then you have a Plan B. Focus on other things. But I am very thankful to be here.
NYSD: It was kind of a bear market for free agents. Did that surprise you?
TF: Very much so. You wait for this your whole career. Six years you wait for it. I think that’s too much anyway. You put the work in and those young guys are coming in. Maybe that’s something we need to talk about the next bargaining agreement. It’s going to be a big, big problem the next four or five years. Where they want to be and where we are. We are prepared for anything. The market was frustrating and we need to make it fixed.
NYSD: Was following David Wright at third a factor in your decision to sign?
TF: You know I thought about it afterwards. But I said it before. I would rather him be healthy. I know what he can do for this club and then we can worry about everything after that. A healthy David Wright makes the team even that much better.
NYSD: Growing up, were you a Met fan or Yankee fan?
TF: I didn’t like either. I was a baseball fan in general. I liked Paul O’Neill. Mo Vaughn was my favorite player growing up out of all of them. And then Paul O’Neill was right behind.
NYSD: One played for the Mets and one played for the Yankees.
TF: Yeah. I don’t need any backlash, so I’m good. (Laughs)
NYSD: Hitting in Citi Field? I know you hit in it the first few years and now it’s a bit easier.
TF: Any place you still got to hit it. You put your right swing on it, it will go 350-400 feet. At the end of the day, if it’s a bigger park, that should help you out with getting singles, doubles and that kind of stuff. You can always take a positive out of anything. Everyone wants to talk about the negative. The game is still hard. You still have to put the ball in play.
NYSD: Final question, are you commuting from Toms River?
TF: No, no. I did it the other day, because I has an off-day, but that may happen a handful of times during the season.
NYSD: Are you living in the City?
TF: Living in Jersey actually. It Took me 18 minutes to get in this morning, which is great. I know it won’t be like that all the time. Probably a half hour usually. But every once in a while, I will do it to help my family out to get back to Toms River easier.