Do I really want to do this tonight? Do I need to send more bad news back three thousand miles to the east coast? Dodger starter right hander Brandon McCarthy, who throws hittable 90-93 mph fastballs and cutters and 80 mph curveballs, held the Mets to 4 hits and no runs over six innings. While the Dodgers piled on twelve, I said 12, six plus six, that’s twelve runs over the same six innings. Robert Gsellman was smacked around for 4.1 innings giving up nine hits, four of which were home runs and a total of eight runs. Followed by Josh Edgin who gave up four runs over 1.1 innings Blah, Blah, Blah. As Yogi would say “It was Deja Vu all over again.” I know there will be some Mets fan calling into the FAN saying, “If they can win the next two in LA, they have a shot. The talk shows will then be filled with ideas of a trade or two, that will bring the Mets a title.
Never give up hope, fight to the end and look on the brighter side of things. Those are what real Mets fans will tell you. Fans like Charlie Estrella of La Jolla California. I met Charlie in the lobby of my hotel in LA this morning, at the complimentary breakfast buffet. I couldn’t help but notice his Mets hat, Mets shorts and Matt Harvey jersey. Of courses I had to ask, “Where are you from?” He told me he was from La Jolla. I asked if he was going to the game tonight and he told me he was up from La Jolla to see his Mets for the entire four games. He said he has been going to Dodger vs Mets and Padres vs Mets games for the past thirty years. He loves the Mets and has been a fan since about 1976.
Charlie is a born and raised Southern California boy (now man), who has always rooted for the Mets. He told me, he was looking forward to the Mets beginning their climb to the top of their division, right here in LA. I guess too much time in the sun really can make you delusional. But then I thought about all those loyal crazy Mets fans back in NY. Maybe it goes back to the beginning with those lovable losers of the Casey Stengel years. Followed by the miracle of 1969 and Tom Seaver. I don’t get it. I could never get past the Brooklyn Dodger blue and New York Giant’s orange NY interlocking logo. The Cubs, Red Sox and Phillies all think they have the most loyal fans, I beg to differ. Mets fans are loyal to the bone. That is why it is so painful to see them suffer this year, as again they watch their beloved team get banged around.
Hopefully the Mets can do something this year that will bring joy to their crazy loyal fans. Be the spoiler to some other teams dreams. Let someone else feel the pain of disappointment. Oh by the way, Final score, Dodgers twelve runs on thirteen hits. Mets no runs and four hits. Just incase you needed to know.