McDonald: Handling Of The Brown Situation Makes Giants Look Small

The Giants are making this case more complicated than it actually.

Kicker Josh Brown is a bad guy. There is now definitive evidence that he abused his wife almost 20 times. Even though he wasn’t charged, because his wife refused to testify, the organization should have done the right thing and just cut Brown instead of going to the commissioner.

But now after asking and receiving the Commissioner’s Exempt List for their maligned kicker, they simply punted on this and put it into the NFL’s hands.

Now that he’s on the list, the Giants can’t cut him until the NFL rules on his case. They will keep paying him his $1 million salary, so pretty much Brown is getting off Scott free for now.

This has not been an easy season for the Giants.  From Odell Beckham acting like a clown to Ereck Flowers showing a reporter, the team looked more like the Dallas Cowboys than Big Blue, but now with Brown, they look like any other NFL club that will look the other way to win.

And for what?

Brown is not a Hall of Fame kicker. He doesn’t have a tremendous amount of tenure with the Giants and he is easily replaceable. Why are the Maras trying to cover up for this guy.

This just looks bad. With Beckham, maybe he will grow up and learn and Flowers may have had a bad day, but there is not excuse to keeping someone like this on the roster.

The Mets and the Yankees took flack this season bringing in Jose Reyes and Aroldis Chapman, respectively, but both of those players had only one offense on the books and both were suspended for longer periods and had contrition in their voices.

Brown got one game and doesn’t seem like he learned his lesson.

Tom Brady got four games for deflating balls, so you have to wonder who is giving out the punishment here.

The good news is we probably seen the last of Brown in a Giants uniform. There will probably be a nice suspension at the end of this one and then he will probably be released.

They should have done their homework when they re-signed him and they should have made a statement in August, but both times they stood by their kicker.

Now, John Mara missed out on a golden opportunity and could have set an example for the rest of the league. He should have just cut Brown yesterday and be done with it.

There’s just enough evidence there to warrant it.

However, he went this route, which puts the dirty work elsewhere and makes the Giants look small.

About the Author

Joe McDonald

Joe McDonald is the founder and former publisher of NY Sports Day. After selling to i15Media in 2020, he serves as the Editor-in-Chief and responsible for the editorial side of the publication. In the past, Joe was the managing editor of NY Sportscene magazine and assistant editor of Mets Inside Pitch. He has covered the Mets since 2004.

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