Yankees Start HOPE Week, Honor Stars For Cars

The New York Yankees HOPE Week, created in 2009, is based on the fundamental belief that acts of goodwill provide hope and encouragement to more than the recipient of the gesture.

HOPE, which stands for Helping Others Persevere and Excel, Week will be held from Monday, June 6 through Friday, June 10, and each day, the Yankees will reach out to a different individual, family or organization worthy of recognition and support.

Though each day’s celebration will culminate at Yankee Stadium, outreach will often take place away from the Stadium, allowing the Yankees to personally connect with individuals in the settings of their greatest successes or at locations that honor the spirit of their endeavors.

The Yankees kicked off 2016 HOPE Week on Monday by honoring Jake Gallin, the founder of Stars for Cars.

In 2011, Gallin, then eight years old, designed and created magnetic decals called Stars for Cars that recognize Blue and Gold Star Families for their service.

Through the Stars for Cars website, Jake has sold thousands of decals and raised approximately $20,000 for the USO of Metropolitan New York, which strengthens America’s military service members by keeping them connected to family, home and country, throughout their service to the nation.

Yankees players Brett Gardner, Nick Goody, Chase Headley and Brian McCann were joined by former Yankee Mariano Rivera as they surprised Jake Gallin and his volunteer sales team and helped them sell Stars outside New Rochelle’s City Hall earlier today. Jake and the players then distributed more Stars by placing the magnets on nearby cars.

The group also met with local U.S. military veterans in honor of the 72nd anniversary of D-Day.


The group at the stars For Cars event, including Jake Gallin's Parents (c.) and Jenny Steinbrenner. (l.) Photo by New York Yankees.
The group at the stars For Cars event, including Jake Gallin’s Parents (c.), Jenny Steinbrenner. ( front l.), Yankees catcher Brian McCann (far r.), legendary closer Mariano Rivera (fourth from r.), and third baseman Chase Headley (far l.) and  Photo by New York Yankees.


Mariano Rivera Talks to Volunteer and Jake Gallin. Photo by New York Yankees.
Mariano Rivera Talks to Volunteer and Jake Gallin. Photo by New York Yankees.


Jake and His Stars for Cars Volunteers. Photo by New York Yankees.
Jake and His Stars for Cars Volunteers. Photo by New York Yankees.


Jake Gallin and Mariano Rivera. Provided by New York Yankees.
Jake Gallin and Mariano Rivera share a high five. Provided by New York Yankees.


Gardner and Gallin Share a Laugh. Photo by New York Yankees.
Gardner and Gallin Share a Laugh. Photo by New York Yankees.


Chase Headley Puts Star on Car. Photo by New York Yankees.
Chase Headley Puts Star on Car. Photo by New York Yankees.


McCann and Galling Walk to the Parking Lot to Put Stars on Cars. Photo by New York Yankees.
McCann and Galling Walk to the Parking Lot to Put Stars on Cars. Photo by New York Yankees.


Mariano Rivera Puts Star on Car. Photo by New York Yankees.
Mariano Rivera Puts Star on Car. Photo by New York Yankees.
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